Redefining Hybrid Working: A Shift from Crisis Mode to Experimentation

4 mins read



by Jon Kent

Articles> Redefining Hybrid Working: A Shift from Crisis Mode to Experimentation

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Current views on hybrid working are a BIG problem! The conversation tends to oscillate between two extremes: 100% in the office, or 100% remote. This has led to the unfortunate characterisation of hybrid work as a poorly constructed compromise. One that forfeits the benefits of both extremes.

Although I concede that hybrid work presents its own set of challenges, they’re far from insurmountable. When appropriately managed, the advantages of intentional hybrid working can significantly outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Many businesses have successfully integrated the best of all worlds, so why are we still hearing about forced “return to office” campaigns, or the absurd claim that hybrid workers are “immoral”?

Since the start of the pandemic, businesses have been operating in crisis mode. Quick and decisive policies were implemented to, quite literally, save lives. This gave rise to a polarised climate, with a tug-of-war between those desperate to return to the old normal, and those fearing to lose the new benefits they now enjoyed.

Even though the imminent danger has passed, many workplaces are stuck in crisis mode. This mindset is perpetuated by the flip-flopping between the two extremes, threats of resignations or dismissals, or a passive acceptance of the perceived ‘compromise’ of hybrid work.

The path forward requires a mindful shift from crisis mode to a more experimental mindset. We must foster a culture of experimentation within a safe psychological framework, rather than from a place of fear. Identifying and addressing the challenges of hybrid working in your company will demand flexibility, adaptability, and the readiness to embrace a cycle of problem identification, solution creation, testing, and iterative adjustment based on outcomes.

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