Hybrid Working: Lessons from 2022 and what to focus on now

2 mins read



by Jon Kent

Articles> Hybrid Working: Lessons from 2022 and what to focus on now

Hybrid Working Lessons from 2022

2022 was yet another year in crisis mode. Rapid, high-stakes decisions had to be made, some with far-reaching consequences. Meanwhile the media remained saturated with polarising attitudes and conflicting opinions, particularly on the controversial issue of workplace norms: should employees work on-site or remotely?

As we move into 2023, we have an opportunity to shift our focus and approach. This year, we can step back from the emotional and stressful aftermath of the pasts crises and to move forward with clear intention and innovative thinking.

Lets make 2023 a year of "Experimentation Mode". In this talk, I discuss the importance of this paradigm shift, emphasising the need for flexible tools and methods to find the way of working that's uniquely suitable for each company. It's time to innovate, experiment, and build a resilient future.

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